The WRSG fiscal year ends with the calendar year. The FIRST robotics season ends in April. Reports completed before the end of the season provide information available at the time. Ranked by highest financial amount to lowest, funds cover expenses in following the categories:

  1. Robot kits and components
  2. ORTOP and US FIRST registration fees
  3. Competition field kits and components
  4. Robot shipping costs (FRC team only)
  5. WRSG administrative cost: once-annual professional IRS report preparation

Because the WRSG is a volunteer organization with no paid staff, the professional IRS report preparation is the only administrative expense. In years when teams win an invitation to the world championship, the WRSG might reimburse some travel expense. Funds donated and dispersed for travel expense are accounted for independently in order to honor the requirement of most donors that grants not be used for travel expense.

2015 – 2016 season

The WRSG funded six teams, one FRC and five FLL teams. The total seventy-seven students included thirteen girls, ten Asians and three Hispanics. In conjunction with the West Linn – Wilsonville School District, the high school FRC team hosted a regional FRC competition for the third year, the Pacific Northwest District – Wilsonville Event at Wilsonville High School.

2014 – 2015 season

The WRSG funded eight teams, one FRC, two FTC and five FLL teams. All five FLL teams were rookie teams. The total eighty students included fifteen girls, one African-American, one Native-American, nine Asians, and two classified as Other by the U.S. Census. In conjunction with the West Linn – Wilsonville School District, the high school FRC team hosted a regional FRC competition for the second year, the Pacific Northwest FIRST Robotics Wilsonville District Event at Wilsonville High School. Total funds dispersed were $24,998.

2013 – 2014 season

The WRSG funded six teams, one FRC, three FLL and two FTC teams. Growth in the FTC program resulted from FIRST recommending FTC as the appropriate program for middle school students instead of as an alternate program for high school students. The WRSG budget increased as a result. Half the teams, two FLL and one FTC were rookie teams. The total seventy-six students included twenty girls, one African-American, two Asians and three Hispanics. In conjunction with the West Linn – Wilsonville School District, the high school FRC team hosted a regional FRC competition, the Pacific Northwest FIRST Robotics Wilsonville District Event at Wilsonville High School. Total funds dispersed were $43,382.

2012 – 2013 season

The WRSG funded six teams, one FRC, four FLL and, for the first time, one FTC team. Two FLL teams were rookie teams and the FTC team counted as a rookie team because it was their first FTC season, though the team members had prior FLL experience. Of the thirty-six members of the high school FRC team, thirteen are girls. In the younger teams, girls made up one-half of the team members. The total sixty-two students included seven Asians, two Hispanics and one Native American. Five of the six teams did some or all of their own fund raising. Total funds dispersed were $35,271.

2011 – 2012 season

The WRSG funded seven teams, the same mix as last season, one FRC and six FLL again representing all Wilsonville schools. However, three rookie teams replaced three FLL teams that aged out this season. The teams were comprised of sixty-eight students in total, twenty-six girls, twelve Asians, one Oceanian and two Hispanics. The high school team raised about $6,000 with an event that drew a number of corporate sponsors. The high school team and three of the FLL teams did some fund raising. Total funds dispersed were $41,263.

2010 – 2011 season

The WRSG funded seven teams — one FRC and six FLL — from all four of Wilsonville’s public schools. The four teams from 2009 returned. In addition, three rookie FLL teams were formed, two of them from Boeckman Creek Primary School for the first time. In 2010 student demographics were collected to provide the most accurate information to the supporting organizations. The teams were comprised of seventy-six students total, twenty-two girls, one African-American, two Asians, one Oceanian, three Hispanics, three classified Other by U.S. Census categories. In the fall of 2010 twenty-five members of the high school team held a fund-raising event that raised about $5,000. Two of the FLL teams also did some independent fund raising. Total funds dispersed were $31,292.

2009 – 2010 season

The WRSG funded four teams from three schools. Besides the high school team, three rookie FLL teams were funded, one from Inza R. Wood Middle School and two from Boones Ferry Primary School. In addition, two FLL teams from outside the area were funded after special requests. Total funds dispersed were $35,465.

2008 – 2009 season

In its first year the WRSG funded one team, the FRC team at Wilsonville High School, with $27,806.